Viper Isles is a unique collection of literary cultures from Avatar, Fae, Dragon, Mayan, Mers Pirates, and Hindu-Asian influences. It is a world of passion and romance, or a day out to explore and absorb the creation of Markarius Viper. Come and get lost. The isles are a great place to come for photogenic interests, romance, or just a place to roam and recharge. Viper Isles is an LGBTQ+ adult region with payment info and 18+ age restrictions.
Krush! is an LGBTQ+ friendly club in Second Life! Some of the best DJs are spinning for you live every night. Themes and fishbowl events happen at least once a month and is it one of the friendliest clubs you will ever be in. Over 700 updated dances are available from their dance machines, and new dances are added almost weekly. Come dance! Learn more at
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