Step into the retro-futuristic world of "Invasion!", a virtual amusement park ride that brings to life the suspense and thrills of '50s Alien Invasion movies. If you dare, venture into "Dullahan Manor," a hauntingly immersive experience that promises scares, chills, and a head-spinning adventure, just be sure to keep your head, or you might just lose it to Dullahan!
Get ready for a spine-tingling adventure this October! Luna's Nightmare Night Halloween runs from October 1st to October 31st. Dive into an immersive, free-to-play Halloween extravaganza and experience thrills like never before. Earn and spend points. Accumulate points to grab amazing prizes from the in-game vendors. There are a variety of rewards!
A Tormented Halloween offers a thrilling haunted adventure full of frights. Navigate the Corn Maze, explore the Haunted House, and venture into the Cursed Forest. Fend off zombies in a heart-pounding shootout, and relax at the eerie Drive-In, but beware of lurking killers. Use Shared Environment and grab a flashlight for the full spooky experience.
Get ready for thrills and chills at Harmony Hills Horror Trail, where spine-tingling scares await those brave enough to venture through the haunted woods. But don't worry - if you're looking for a family-friendly adventure, the Pumpkin Patch offers fun for all ages. Open until October 31st!
Journey to 1890s Transylvania in search of the missing Jonathan Harker. Explore the colossal castle of Count Dracula in search of his journals, meet the Count Himself, and do try to stay among the living...if you can. Castle Dracula: A Gothic Horror Experience is a massive, immersive narrative-driven haunt unlike any other, 14 years in the making. Plunge into a brand new tale of terror and embrace another classic of gothic literature with our first expansion storyline. Follow the fate of Laura as she pursues the echoes of dread and desire in CARMILLA: THE LOVE OF THE DEAD.
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