To protect our brand, we do not allow the following uses of Linden Lab's trademarks without our written permission:
No Use in Your Branding. Do not use in the name of your business, organization, product, or service, and do not register as a trademark, service mark, or business or organization name, any Linden Lab trademark or any words or symbols virtually identical or confusingly similar to a Linden Lab trademark. This includes, but isn't limited to, our Second Life® brand name and our Eye-in-Hand logo.
For how Linden Lab permits you to use "SL" or "inSL" with your business, organization, product, or service name, see our License to Use SL™ or inSL™.
No Use in Second-Level Domain Names. Do not use or register any second-level domain name that is identical, virtually identical, or confusingly similar to a Linden Lab trademark, including our Second Life and Linden Lab trademarks. A "second-level domain name" is the identifying part of a domain name that commonly refers to the organization or entity that registered it. For example, "" and "" are our second-level domain names, and
This is NOT OK:
No Logo or Tagline Use. Do not use any Linden Lab logo, icon, slogan, or tagline. This includes, but isn't limited to, our Eye-in-Hand logo and our tagline "Your World. Your Imagination."For our permission to journalists and media outlets to use the Second Life Eye-in-Hand logo in published articles, blog entries, and news programs specifically about the Second Life virtual world, see our License for Press Use of the Second Life Eye-in-Hand Logo.
Also check out our inSL Logo Program, which provides a community logo for Second Life residents to promote their contributions to the Second Life world.
No Use on Products or Merchandise Items. Do not use any Linden Lab trademark, including the Second Life brand name and the Eye-in-Hand logo, on any products or merchandise items like T-shirts, mugs, and jewelry.However, see the inSL Logo Program for how you may use this community logo.
No Adaptation or Registration. Never modify, imitate, or register any Linden Lab trademark, including but not limited to our Second Life brand name, the Second Life Eye-in-Hand logo, and our tagline "Your World. Your Imagination." Never shorten any Linden Lab trademark; animate, morph, or distort it; make a takeoff or phonetic or foreign-language equivalent of it; or alter its appearance, color, proportion, spelling, spacing, hyphenation, punctuation, design, or elements.
This is NOT OK: 2nd Life (can't shorten "Second Life") 2Life (no "Second Life" abbreviations) Second-Life (can't hyphenate "Second Life") Segunda Vida (no Spanish equivalent of "Second Life") Zweites Leben (can't make a German equivalent) 第二生命 (no Chinese equivalent) 第二の人生 (no Japanese equivalent) Your World. Your Voice. (can't imitate our tagline "Your World. Your Imagination.")
No Mashups. Never use as the name of your business, organization, product, or service related to Second Life or any virtual world a name that is a combination or mashup of a Linden Lab trademark, in whole or in part, and another trademark or another term or series of terms. For example,
This is NOT OK: Second Fashion (for a virtual clothing line in Second Life) Text Life (for a text-based viewer for Second Life) SLoogle (for search functionality for Second Life where “SLoogle” is a combination of Second Life® and Google®) SLanimations (for animations for Second Life) Second Marketing (for a marketing agency for virtual worlds)
No Trade-Dress Imitation. Do not imitate any of Linden Lab's trade dress, including but not limited to the design or "look and feel" of our websites at and, of our logos and typefaces, and of the Second Life viewer splash screen, which is the screen that you see before logging in through the Second Life viewer. For information about trade dress protection, see here, among other resources, and consult a trademark attorney.
No Suggestion of Endorsement. Never use any Linden Lab trademark in a manner that implies a false relationship with or sponsorship, endorsement, or employment by Linden Lab.
No Disparaging or Tarnishing Use. Never use any Linden Lab trademark in a disparaging or tarnishing manner outside the bounds of fair criticism or fair use. For information on fair use in trademark law, see here, among other resources, and consult a trademark attorney. To refer to our brand names, see Proper Reference to Linden Lab's Brand Names in Text.